
Showing posts from December, 2019

GLOBAL SIS Playground: Meeting Without Walls

We are together in a room without walls, yet we feel connected. We are women from eight different countries engaging in online “embodied play” in the spaces of our own homes, offices, or classrooms. We are from China, Turkey, Pakistan, Brazil, Argentina, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United States listening to our body wisdom, moving, and telling our stories. We are Global SIS: InterPlay, and we are gracing each other’s lives across various times on the world clock in the internet’s ethersphere by engaging in InterPlay! GLOBAL SIS PLAYGROUND: MEETING WITHOUT WALLS. December 2019  "Last Saturday was my first time participating in an online Global SIS meeting and also my first experience with InterPlay. One word comes to mind when I think about these moments shared with women around the world: beauty. Women from different backgrounds, ethnicities, and cultural identities, sharing, learning, and listening to themselves and others. It felt tribal in a way. In a great way. I felt l...

SIS Savoring the Gifts of 2019

What gifts did 2019 bring you? What do you want to savor and remember from this past year? What do you want to release? Sustaining International Sisters (SIS) of InterPlay Atlanta played with these questions at their December "play and potluck."  "PRESENCE-ING" OURSELVES. Having our potluck first instead of our InterPlay playshop as we normally do posed us with the challenge of getting "our body spirits" into the room after driving in Georgia traffic and then relaxing into connecting with one another. So we had a mini-InterPlay warm up before diving into our feast! We did two rounds of saying our names, the first with our names and the place or country we identify with. I love it when someone surprises us with multiple countries or "Planet Earth." More than 30 women from around the world came together for an evening of connection, learning, and inspiration in the home of a Turkish SISter, Guldane, in Alpharetta, Georgia, USA. We had wo...